It started with a mellow session at a flatspot near the river. What you actually had to do to win this or if their was even a winner picked wasn’t too clear, but that’s the fun thing about CPH Open anyway: You don’t really exactly know what’s going on, everybody is just skating and having fun and when it’s over, a winner gets picked but it doesn’t really matter. More important is that everybody had a good time. While the sessions till then were kept a bit secret, cause it seems like the city of Berlin wasn’t as open minded as Copenhagen and wouldn’t have been too keen to have thousands of skaters at a streetspot, the next spot on the list was the supermarket that was officially announced and yeah, it got crowded. We arrived a bit late and it was nearly impossible to get a spot to see something from the rail session in front of the building. Afterwards it continued in the supermarket, where a kicker session over the giant CPH-sunglasses started. Again, we have no clue who won that thing and also once again: it’s about everybody being a winner. By looking at the faces of the people sitting around in the sunset, you could tell: mission accomplished. And there was still the afterparty to come…